Category Archives: Norway
Soon on Koh Tao again! <3
Hello you all!
Hmm now it is a very loooong time since we wrote anything again. So sorry.
But it is not only laciness. We have had much problem with the site and we have tried to fix it. Some of the problems comes from plug-ins that we use and that has caused that the english site has been down. But it has also been some small fault here and there. And when ’time’ hasn’t been there at all, when we both working full-time so have the webpage been on the shelf for a while, unfortunately. But now we hope it’s working as normal again with some updates and some purchase of plug-ins and that the site can run as normal again!
And now we only have 5 days left until we are in our lovely paradis again! On Sunday it is depature. And this time we will be on Koh Tao 5 weeks. No other trips are planed, only relaxing! It will be so nice and we are really worth it!
Enjoy some photos on Frangipani Villa from our trip there in July. It’s not so strange that we longing for it every hour and every minute cause our luxury villa is truly amazing! <3
Hugs from us!
Some photos from the first half of 2014
sharing some photos with you around Scandinavia this first half of 2014.
Where have we been?
In Oslo of course with families and friends.
In Båstad with Tomas lovely mum.
In Copenhagen with our lovely friend Marlene.
And celebrate Swedish midsummer with our neighbors on Koh Tao, the Lööw-family and their friends Wemmel-family.
Super-thank you for fantastic memories!
Hugs //Linda & Tomas
We have one million visitors on our website!!! Yihooo!
O yes we have done it!!
We now have over one millioooooooon visitors on our website!
Thats absolutely amazing! That worth lots of applauses!
Hope you still want to read, enjoying our photos and that you all continue to follow us!
We are so grateful!
1 000 000-thanks!
Spring hugs from us,
Linda & Tomas

Longing for Thailand…
Hello Hello!
We really longing for diving and traveling and we have about 1 mouth left before we going on a new trip again!
In 33 days we head out from Gardemoen with destination Malé and the Maldives for a one week super-duper diveliveaboard. Than we take the night flight to Bangkok and on the afternoon on the 29th december we walk out from the boat on our dearest paradise island Koh Tao again!
Today we have had some small preparation before the upcoming Maldives/Thailand-trip, we have made our favorite Thai food, Laab Gai. A small photo collage on the way to this fantastic Thai dish. And if you want to make Laab Gai on your own just give us an e-mail!! 😀
Have a lovely November!
Linda & Tomas
Technical problems
Sorry, for our website has not working or looked great sometimes!
We have had some technical problems but now everything should be up and running again!
We hope that it isn’t had caused so much trouble for you and that you still dropping by and want to read our blog and our website again!
Thank you all for reading! 😀
Love and hugs from us
Wonderful weekend in Båstad and a lots of crazy cows!
Hope everything is fine with all of you out there? And that the summer has arrived!
A small update from us….
I’m working a lot as usually. The worst season in the year except the Christmas time is in May and June. Then it is so much work that we don’t have time to see each other, unfortunately. We are off together only 1 day per week… Very sad but it is soon industrial vacation (July) in Norway and then it will be som lesser work for us.
Tomas is working a lot too, Freia have many production work during this season also. He have been working overtime lots of weekends.
In April we had on wonderful weekend in Båstad to visit Gunilla and Anders, but also Tomas brother with family. It was really fun. We don’t see them so often.
That Saturday we drove around Skåne on a day trip and we made some few stops at Brösarps Hills and Ale’s Stones. This was fun to see. Brösarps Hills was shooting location for The brothers Lionhart and the Cherry Valley. 🙂
Some photos from the weekend:
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In the beginning of May we did an day trip to Bygdøy Royal Estate and the early Cow release. It was an lovely Sunday with Farmer’s Market, lots of cows, an bright blue sky and brilliant sunshine.
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And finally from today we only have less then three weeks to our small-vacation. We will soon have lots of sun, diving and San Miguel Light on the terrace. Happy summer!
From hot to cold
Hello everyone!
Here is an update from us:
We have been home for about 4 weeks, the time passes by so fast and we are soon in the month of March. Hopefully the spring is on it’s way…
I, Linda have been in to my family home, Jokkmokk for a week. And the contrast from Koh Tao’s 30 degrees hot to Jokkmokk’s 30 degrees cold, is not that funny. Brr. But it was more warmth to come home and meet my family an my friends! 🙂 Tomas he was home working and playing drums with his band when I was up in the north and almost froze my nose off! 😉
Now we both home again and working like hell. Uploaded some nice photos from Koh Tao and dreaming us back to our paradise. Our next planed trip will be in July, two weeks.
And then we just have to thank you all, our readers! We have got, during our two years of blogging, almost 620 000 visitors. That’s amazing! Thank you so so much that you visit our blog and read it and as usual we have to apologize that we don’t update more often then we do now. But we will try to do better, we promise.
Big hugs from us
Linda & Tomas
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