On our way…

Now we are finally on the move again!
Sitting on the Vienna Airport and waiting to board the plane in an hour. We’ve been up since half past nine this morning after 4,5 hours of sleep… so we are pretty tired now! But we’ve got a trip to Vienna city center and was on a very nice Chrismas dinner in a small Austrian restaurant and been to St. Stephen’s Cathedral. An incredibly impressive sight both inside and outside. Photos will com when we are on Koh Tao!

See you in Thailand on the terrace!

Big hugs from us!

Sunny days is on its way…

Hello everyone!
Now we only have one week left until we leave to Thailand! And god so we yearn, we have really deserved this five weeks of vacation!
We have worked and worked like fools both of us and now it’s finally approaching!
Our lovely house are also getting finished, it’s not much left. We have received photos from Aon and it is really getting amazing! But all of you have to wait a little while longer to see what has happened until we get there. Then we gonna give you some great photos to you!
And we have promised you that you should get a blog-post a day and we should really try to keep our promises!

Another funny thing is that we have received our first booking at the house! Our first guests checking in on January 27 and checking out on February 3. We are so happy and hope they will enjoy their stay in our wonderful house! They have made their reservation through our advertise on Villa Renters. Check it out:

The winter is absent and we charge for the last week with rain and bad weather.
A week passes quickly and soon we’ll get ashore on our paradise island of Koh Tao and into our dream house Frangipani Villa!

Big hugs from us!
Linda & Tomas

Soliga dagar på väg…

Hejsan allihopa!
Nu har vi bara en vecka kvar tills flyget lyfter till Thailand! Och gud så vi längtar, vi har verkligen gjort oss välförtjänt dessa fem veckors semester!
Vi har jobbat och slitit som tokar båda två och nu börjar det äntligen närma sig!
Vårt fina hus börjar också bli färdigt, nu är det inte mycket kvar. Vi har fått bilder från Aon och det blir verkligen fantastiskt. Men ni får vänta ett litet tag till på bilder, tills vi kommer ner. Då ska vi ta jättefina bilder och lägga ut så ni här hemma får se!
Och vi har lovat er att ni ska få ett inlägg om dagen och vi ska verkligen försöka hålla vad vi lovar!

En till rolig grej är att vi har fått vår första bokning på huset! Våra första gäster checkar in den 27 januari och checkar ut den 3 februari. Vi är så glada och hoppas de kommer trivas i vårt underbara hus! De har gjort sin bokning genom vår annons på Villa Renters. Kolla in:

Vintern lyser med sin frånvaro och vi laddar inför den sista veckan med regn och rusk.
För en vecka går fort och snart kliver vi i land på vår paradis ö Koh Tao och in i vårt drömhus Frangipani Villa!!

Många kramar från oss!
Linda & Tomas

A hundred thousand

Hello hello to you all!
O my God, we have recently reached a hundred thousand visitors (100 000)!!
It is really great! We are so grateful that you reading our blog and we are very, very sorry that we do not update as often! We will try to get better at it!

But what is happening now is that we just work and work and soon it’s only four weeks left until we meet Koh Tao and our fantastic villa again. It will be as exciting and fun to see everything that is done in reality. We’ve got pictures, but it’s not quite the same as experiencing it yourself. So now we longs both of us that these four weeks to go as fast as possible. And hold out, we promise that it will be at least one blog post every day or evening when we are on Koh Tao and sit on the terrace with a San Miguel Light at sunset!

Take care so long!
Big hugs from us =D

Happened since last time!

Hello there!
This has happened since last time we wrote. I, Linda, have come home from my family and friends in Jokkmokk. Here are some photos from the week that I had up north!

We have bought a new camera, a Canon Powershot S95. This is to have two cameras under the surface when we go to the Galapagos next year! So we don’t mess a hammerhead or a whale shark just because we don’t have a camera each… It would be a disaster! =D
We dis some test-photos when Tomas’s mother and her partner were here for one weekend ago. Check out the funny photos.

Then we got some new pictures of what is happening to our lovely house in Koh Tao. Now it’s really getting finished, the garden is almost complete. It is so nice! Check out Frangipani Villas beautiful garden!!

The time ahead is filled with mostly job, job, job. Norway have got half the tax in November so it is best to work as much as possible now! It’s only six weeks left until we step ashore on our paradise Island Koh Tao and our lovely house, Frangipani Villa!

Take care in the autumn darkness!
Linda & Tomas

Linda at home in the North of Sweden

Hi there!
I’ve now been back in Jokkmokk for a week. Going back to Oslo tomorrow, Tuesday.
It has been a hectic week as usual to meet with family and friends. I’ve also had time to go to my old stable and I’m so lucky to have good friends who would lend out their horse to me. It was funny as hell, but I had a really bad soreness in my muscles in the whole body, two days after, even in my hands… haha. But it was worth it!
On Friday me and my girlfriends Elin, Anna and Jenny had a girls-party. There was wine, good food, wine, cheese, wine, crackers and more wine! =D
Then we had a 50’s Birthday Party fom my Mom’s partner Arne on Saturday. We had a great dinner with drinks for 40 people. There it was full speed, unconscious almost to 6 o’clock in the morning for some, me and my mom went home at 3 o’clock! =D
There was al quick post from me and some pictures are coming!
Take care and big hugs! //Linda