Tag Archives: travel
Maldives fantastic diving!
Ok, here is our diving photos from the Maldives!
Watch and enjoy!! 😀
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En veckas efterlängtad dykning!
Bara namnet låter ju så fantastiskt exotiskt! 😀
Och visst var det helt otroligt att få sätta fötterna på några av dessa 1192 öar, spridda på 26 atoller.
Vi korsade 6 atoller med vår live-aboard båt med start i Malé. Ganska obeskrivligt att vi landade på en flygplats ö och sen tog typ speed-boat till huvudstads ön Malé som tog 10 minuter. Vi bodde en natt i Malé City. Det var skönt att få acklimatisera oss. Gå en sväng runt i denna lilla stad (1,8 kvadratkilometer, men bebos av nästan 104000 invånare). Hela staden upptar ön, kul att få se den från havet. Dagen efter vår ankomst åkte vi tillbaka till Hulhumale (flygplats ön) och blev upphämtade för att åka ut till båten, MV Leo, som skulle bli vårt hem i 8 dagar. Och vilken båt sen! Stort dykbåtdäck, jacuzzi, härligt soldäck, stor lounge och massa god mat. Vi har redan bestämt att det inte är sista gången vi åker till Maldiverna!! 😉
Men nu till det roliga, dykningen. Shit det var många superfina dykplatser och det var nån lite sämre där det inte var så mycket koraller eller fisk. Men vi blev bortskämda cocktail-dykare på de flesta dykplatser. Shit så fint! Massa färgglada fiskar, fina korallrev, vrak, hajar och massa MANTOR!!
Vi gjorde ett nattdyk där vi satt i en ring på botten runt allas lyktor och bara kunde njuta i 60 minuter av naturens under, mantor, dansandes runt, över och på sidan av oss. Detta var ett av våra absolut bästa nattdyk! FANTASTISKT!
Dykbilder kommer inom kort men jag lägger ut lite bilder ovan ytan. Bara se och njut!
God jul från oss!!
Maldiverna – Ovanför ytan!
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Malé City
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Longing for Thailand…
Hello Hello!
We really longing for diving and traveling and we have about 1 mouth left before we going on a new trip again!
In 33 days we head out from Gardemoen with destination Malé and the Maldives for a one week super-duper diveliveaboard. Than we take the night flight to Bangkok and on the afternoon on the 29th december we walk out from the boat on our dearest paradise island Koh Tao again!
Today we have had some small preparation before the upcoming Maldives/Thailand-trip, we have made our favorite Thai food, Laab Gai. A small photo collage on the way to this fantastic Thai dish. And if you want to make Laab Gai on your own just give us an e-mail!! 😀
Have a lovely November!
Linda & Tomas
Sunny days is on its way…
Hello everyone!
Now we only have one week left until we leave to Thailand! And god so we yearn, we have really deserved this five weeks of vacation!
We have worked and worked like fools both of us and now it’s finally approaching!
Our lovely house are also getting finished, it’s not much left. We have received photos from Aon and it is really getting amazing! But all of you have to wait a little while longer to see what has happened until we get there. Then we gonna give you some great photos to you!
And we have promised you that you should get a blog-post a day and we should really try to keep our promises!
Another funny thing is that we have received our first booking at the house! Our first guests checking in on January 27 and checking out on February 3. We are so happy and hope they will enjoy their stay in our wonderful house! They have made their reservation through our advertise on Villa Renters. Check it out:
The winter is absent and we charge for the last week with rain and bad weather.
A week passes quickly and soon we’ll get ashore on our paradise island of Koh Tao and into our dream house Frangipani Villa!
Big hugs from us!
Linda & Tomas
Missing Koh Tao!
Now we are home again, time flies when you’re having fun, unfortunately. We would love to stay on our paradise-island forever. But for now, we have to do this short trips back and forth because we have to work too!
We have managed to get lots of things done. We have obtained insurance to be
cover most of the things, but who may know if it will work in Thailand as
it comes to the crunch, it remains of course to see. We also get an post-box at the PostOffice and the foremost thing we had to do on this trip was to overwrite the land-paper from Sportsgarden to our company Frangipani Villa Koh Tao and now it is done, finally! So we are now official owner of the land where our dreamhouse stands on! Feels really good!
Our new office Koh Tao Villas and architect Aon is now under contract for completin everything in our house and small things outside. She will also construct the
garden and our store-room and some do some of the extra little luxury things to make our house even more beautiful. Everything should be ready when we arrive in December, and it is so exiting, we can hardly wait!
It feels so incredibly good that we finally get everything done!
The funny thing is that we have left our pool plans for her and she has already found a pool-company in Bangkok that will build it. We will also have a 3D drawing of our proposed pool area! Looking forward to it!
Check in our new pictures from our short trip to Koh Tao and the new pictures on our lovely house Frangipani Villa Koh Tao!
In Oslo, everything as usual except that it is quite warm, probably believe that the summer has arrived, finally!
Big hugs!
New pictures!
New pictures from our paradise!
Bug hugs from us!
Finally here again!
We are sitting here on the terrace again, and it is so amazingly wonderful! We really love to be here! Some cold beers goes down our throat while we looking out over Sairee Beach tiny lights. We are sitting with Tomas friends Arvid and Glenn who are here a few days visiting us.
In a moment we’ll jump into bed and we going to sleep like prince and princess in our comfortable beds. Tomorrow will be a ”much-to-be-done day,” we hope! It is Sunday and we know that most things in Thailand is closed when it is Sunday. The morning will be spent on the phone, so we get everything done during the week we are here. The afternoon will be spent in Chalok Harbour and their pool. Longing for sun and the sea now! Monday will kick-start to get everything up and running, buy plants, building the garden and start with the things to do indoors!
Oh yes, you hear that we are, as usual, busy! But we’ll try to catch a few dives also at Scuba Junction, probably on Tuesday!
Take care, now we take one last cold beer then good night!
See ya, kiss and hug =D