Author Archives: Tomas & Linda
In April we were back on Koh Tao again!
So in April we were back again on Koh Tao. This time with my mum and her partner. But also with Anna and Ove, their friends from Piteå. As from now are our friends too of course.
These two weeks were just cozy and fun on the terrace. Lots of sun and swimming. We celebrated my mum who had jubileum-birthday in may. But we also celebrated SongKran – Thai New Year!! This was our first Songkran and it was lots of fun! 😀 Lots of water, we were soaked from tip to toe and we were only out for little more than an hour?! Hehe. We really hop that we will be doing this a lot more, because it was great fun!
There was a lot of beers and lots of tasty food as usually. But we also did an snorkel-trip to Mango Bay and Koh Nangyuan and some sightseeing around the island! Maybe this trip around this time can be an returning happening, Gunnel, Arne, Ove and Anna?! 😉
Lots have happens since our last blog-post…
Hello you all, lots of things have happen in our live since we wrote something here at the end of December last yer.. shit we are so sorry for it!
Hope all of our readers is well and that your summer have been great?!
We have had some small problem with our page since month back and sometimes it makes us tired of fixing things all the time… 🙁
Ok, what have happened then? Yes, we have been in Thailand not once but twice. And we have also bought an lovely little apartment here in Oslo. We got the keys to it the day after we arrived back home in January. Jippi!! 😀 You will see som photos soon but we was thinking of getting som photos our from our last two trips. The Christmas/New Year trip and when we celebrating My Mums 60th birthday and SongKran/Thai New Year in April.
Enjoy our photos from these trips, and we will get some more photo album out this weekend. Keep your eyes open! Big hugs /Linda
I April var vi tillbaka på Koh Tao igen…
Så i April var vi tillbaka på Koh Tao igen. Denna gång med min mamma och hennes sambo. Samt med Anna och Ove, deras vänner från Piteå. Som numer är våra vänner också såklart.
Dessa två veckor var bara en massa mys på terassen, massa sol och massa bad. Vi hann med att fira min mamma som fyllde jämnt i maj och Song Kran – Thailändskt Nyår!! Vårt första thailändska nyår. Och vad roligt det var! 😀 Så mycket vatten, helt genomvåta från topp till tå av att bara vara ute i ca 1 timme!? Vi hoppas verkligen att vi får vara med om fler, så kul var det!
Det blev en hel del med öl och en hel del med god mat som vanligt. Men vi hann också med en snorkel-tur till Mango Bay och Koh Nangyuan och lite sightseeing runt ön emellan åt! Kan denna resa bli en återkommande händelse det återstå att se, Gunnel, Arne, Ove och Anna??! 😉
Mycket har hänt sen sist…
Hej hej, tänk så mycket som har hänt sen vi skrev i slutet på förra året. Shit förlåt för det!
Hoppas alla våra läsare mår bra och att sommaren varit strålande?!
Vi har haft lite problem med denna sida sen månader tillbaka och de får en att tappa suget .. 🙁
Vad har hänt då? Jo, vi har varit i Thailand inte en men två gånger. Och så har vi blivit lägenhetsägare i Oslo. Fick nycklarna bara någon dag efter att vi kommit hem från Thailand i Januari. Jippi!! 😀 Ni kan få se bilder snart men först tänkte jag att jag skulle få ut lite bilder från våra två senast resor, den förra jul- och nyårsresan och när vi firade Min mammas 60-årsdag och Songkran i April tidigare i år.
Men ni får hålla tillgodo med lite text och lite bilder från resorna, så kommer det fler album med bilder denna helg. Håll ögonen öppna! Kram på er! /Linda
Koh Tao 2015/2016 <3
Alright, then we have made lots of blog-posts with lots of photos from our last trips to our paradis! 😀
This is only the start, it will be lots more. These photos are the last from our christmas/new year trip 2015/2016. Maybe it comes little bit more, but the focus will be for now on the trip we did in April, earlier this year. Big hugs from us /Linda & Tomas
Some diving and snorkeling with friends on Koh Tao
Ok, here it comes some more photos from our paradise. These are from January when we had some really good snorkling- and diving days with both old and new friends on Koh Tao. We had one snorkel-day on the small yacht S/Y Southwind and one diving-day with Sandra & William. And for last a snorkel-day with our thai-friends and some co-workers to Linda!
We miss the Ocean, our diving-gears, masks and snorkels….
New photos from our lovely Frangipani Villa
Photos taken from our luxury villa on Koh Tao. This is paradise for us, longing for it every second…